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Interested in free assistance to improve your screening and referral rates?
When did she start walking? Can she drink from a cup yet? How many words can she say?
Put a group of new parents together in a room and conversation will inevitably turn to their children’s growth and development. It’s a topic that can elicit feelings of pride, excitement, and trepidation in equal measure. The joy of seeing your child’s language, social, cognitive, and motor skills improve week by week may be tempered by anxiety that she hasn’t hit certain developmental milestones. After all, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that one in six children in the USA will have developmental problems, such as autism or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder…
Of parents increased understanding of developmental milestones
Of parents completed at least one developmental screening
Of children screened were determined to be at-risk for delays
Of parents followed up with their pediatricians
1. Lee, J, Hart, J; Singh, V; Haran, R; Cagwin, A; Iglehart, C; Sarmiento, V; Luu, M; Sethi, A. (2018).
Mobile tools can be effective in increasing developmental and mental health screening and referral rates. 2018 American Academy of Pediatric National conference.
2. Development outcomes with mobile apps and technology. Lee, J . Iglehart, C; Sarmiento, V; YingYing Wong,
Sethi, A. (2018). 2018 National Head Start Increasing parent engagement and child 44th Annual Conference.
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Interested in free assistance to improve your screening and referral rates?